Heimburger Sisters

Becca, the oldest of the sisters, contacted me after she got a referral from a family friend. She wanted a sisters shoot. I of course jumped right on the band wagon because I have 4 sisters and I know how much fun this can be. The girls are from St. Louis, so coming to little bitty Carlyle was a little shocker to them, but they loved it! They brought the most stylish clothes and jewelry complete with a little Kate Spade. They shared clothes and opinions. They were 100% honest with each other and corrected smiles, poses, and gave each other the “suck in” advice. Becca, Elise, and Kara reminded me of my sisters. The girls are all away at college, but still stay close, which I think is awesome. There is no best friend like a sister and only those of us with sisters know how lucky we are. I’m so glad I got to spend time with these sisters and got to see a glimpse of a super special sister bond. Loved it!! Thanks girls!





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Bailey Family

Adorable Adorable Adorable basically sums up this session!! Between little Miss Peyton and Olivia, well and Tyler too I just couldn’t stand how cute this family was. I was obsessed with the girls! Smiles or no smiles, they are GORGEOUS!! I loved them. Then there were all the Pauls. There was Grandpa Paul, then then other Paul, and the other Paul. Yeah, it got a little confusing at times. Large groups can sometimes be super crazy and very difficult but not with the Bailey Family. They were awesome. They helped us carry and load our props and they were pros at posing and getting shots quickly! We swopped babies and bows, chased baby shoes, I took out a studio light, we laughed, and had a complete blast. The guys were awesome and super cooperative and the women of the family were just absolutely gorgeous and so well put together! Tyler did great being the perfect big brother. You can tell he loves his sisters! I only hope they all had as much fun as I did!!




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Lindsey Maternity

Lindsey and I go way back into the good ol’ CHC days!! We both worked at Carlyle Healthcare together and she is one of the sweetest girls I have ever met!! I was over the moon when I heard not only was she going to be a Mommy, but she wanted me to capture some of their most important memories! I couldn’t be more excited. Lindsey chose some of the cutest dresses for their session and she looked awesome! She was a trooper getting up and down off the ground. Cody was like any other typical guy who wasn’t crazy getting his pictures done, but he stuck it out and they turned out great! Lindsey asked me to not only be a part of their maternity session and the excitement of preparing of Camryn, but also to be a part of his first year. I am thrilled I get to be there for his milestones and cannot wait to capture that with Lindsey and Cody!!





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Brianna Senior 2014

When Pam, Brianna’s mom contacted me, she warned me that Brianna wasn’t exactly excited about pictures. Not typical of Senior girls but I figured maybe there was a reason. Maybe she was uncomfortable with her body image? Maybe she didn’t like her hair? Maybe she didn’t have a good smile? All of these things are going through my head. So on Saturday I prepared myself to have a difficult time getting smiles or any type of cooperation out of Brianna. Boy, was I about to be surprised. She walked in and I was shocked. She was a GORGEOUS, bubbly, absolutely just adorable girl! She had gorgeous brown hair, the cutest smile, and such pretty eyes! I knew at this moment that this session was going to go better than I had ever expected! We immediately started shooting and this girl rocked it! She smiled, she laughed, she posed perfectly, and she gave me her best. I swore this couldn’t be the same girl. There was no way this girl wouldn’t want to be in front of the camera all the time, because I know if I looked anything like her I would be taking SELFIES all day!! All that aside I have to say it was an awesome session. I couldn’t ask for a better Senior girl to photograph. She was a total trooper and her mom Pam had super cute ideas and was so sweet. The Westfall’s felt more like old friends than complete strangers that I had just met!! I can’t tell you how excited I am that I got the opportunity to meet Brianna and be able to share a little glimpse into their lives. I am counting down the days until our Part 2 session! I’m always super pumped when a session includes cowboy boots, a super cute sundress, and an amazing sunset (we hope).




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Hall Family

Betheny participated in our new client sale. She signed up as a new client to get a discounted session and I can’t tell you how glad I am that she did. I LOVED this family!! I loved their excitement about their session and the fact that they chose all Cardinals gear to wear!! GO CARDS!! The best part was getting to meet their two ADORABLE boys. They just melted my heart. Bryden was up for anything I asked him to do, including putting his little brother on his back multiple times! He did so good and gave me nothing but good smiles. Well ok, maybe a couple funny faces, but I loved it! Then there was Reed, and let me tell you I just wanted to squeeze him. I kept telling Betheny and Dave that I was taking him home. He was just so sweet and he even winked at me!! Betheny and Dave were so fun too! We laughed and joked throughout the session and I absolutely enjoyed every minute of it!! So excited that I get to see these two little guys this weekend at the Easter Mini session!!



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Berry Family

When Jessica came to me with very unexpected, sad news, I knew that I had to get them in ASAP to do a session. Jessica married my cousin and they have 3 crazy boys and one sweet girl. She messaged me  a few weeks ago with the news that she had recently been diagnosed with Breast Cancer. She is 26, how does that happen? She wanted to do a quick mini session of the family, just so she had pictures before surgery and the chemo started. I of course, after the shock wore off, got right on scheduling their session. They came in this past week  and we got some really good shots. The boys weren’t really excited about pictures. They were typical boys and wanted to run and play, but hey, who can blame them? So we got what we could after bribing them with cookies:) Sugar always seem to work!! We made sure to get plenty of shots so Jess could look back in the upcoming days, days that could be an emotional struggle and see what she is fighting for. I want her to know that she isn’t alone in this fight. She has her friends, and family, as well as the support from her coworkers and those in the community. She will beat this. She is strong and she has so much to live for! Jessica and her family will be in my constant prayers. I ask that you all take a minute while your reading this, to bow your head and say a little prayer that all goes well. I pray that the surgery goes as planned and that the chemo kills whatever cancer cells she has left. This momma is brave and strong, and I wish the best for her!!





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Crosby Family

Amanda first contacted me not knowing that we already had a connection. I talk to Amanda daily at my full time job at the elevator but when she contacted Chelsey from Photographs By Chelsey she had no idea that it was the same person! So after a few laughs about that we scheduled her session for her family. She had 3 kiddos, but only 2 decided to come for the fun! Abigail absolutely rocked it. From the moment she stepped in front of the camera, she did exactly what I told her and brought her A game! She did awesome! Alex ,  the little 4 year old who loved tractors, but wasn’t sure if he liked Red or Green better. Those of you who know anything about tractors know this is a HUGE deal!! Once we told him he could bring his tractor in the picture, he was ok with getting a few shots. He was too excited about his pool party that he had to attend to even worry about getting his picture done! He didn’t want to miss a second of that party, so we shot quick, because who wants to be the last kid at a pool party?? We even did a couple of half family shots, since we had just a few missing from the session!! It was so much fun. They turned out awesome and I finally got to meet “Amanda with the bids!”

Thanks so much for allowing me to capture your memories!! I look forward to our viewing session and only hope that I get to work with you in the future!!









Adele 1 Year Cake Smash

Evenings like this evening are one of the main reasons that I LOVE this business!! I love getting to “work” and spend my time with an adorable 1 year old, smashing cake, and doing crazy things for smiles. Adele didn’t give me many smiles, but even her most serious of faces…were just gorgeous. She has the most adorable blue eyes. LOVE THEM! You can just tell she is so curious about the world. She loved all the candy at her session and all the bouncing gums balls that spilled all over the floor not 1, not 2, not 3, but about 4 or 5 times! She probably thought it was hilarious to watch us adults chase after them! She had some serious dance moves when we played music to try to get just one little smile. She loved running off of the set and was so curious as to what was going on in the rest of the studio. Then came the cake smash..and OH BOY. All I can say is…the girl LOVES cake! Most of my cake smashes end up in a clean baby who doesn’t want to get dirty. Not this girl! She dug in head first from the beginning. Multiple times her face was buried in the cake, while she dug her fingers and hands through it trying to get more. I LOVED it! We laughed and laughed, and she just ate. She didn’t have a care in the world…well besides maybe where she was going to get more cake when this one was gone!! This “job” is better than anything that I could have ever imaged. I love that I get to experience so many amazing moments with families like the Mix Family. They are returning clients and I can only hope that I get to continue to work with them in the future! Happy First Birthday on the 10th of April Adele! I hope all your dreams come true!!




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Baby K

Hollie came to me with some SUPER exciting news that I couldn’t share with anyone!! Her and Nick were expecting in October (which just so happens to be the BEST birthday month EVER, I know, I was born in October)!! I was sooooo beyond excited for them!! A baby is such a precious gift and I love when I get to be one of the first to know, even though keeping the secret is crazy hard!! She wanted to do a reveal to announce their little bundle of joy! We started sharing our favorite ideas, because we didn’t want to do anything cliche! We wanted something different! Hollie suggested the BUMP AHEAD sign, but of course, those are like impossible to find, so on to the next idea we were. I hassled her about what they were interested in, and what Nick did for a living..etc. Finally we came across something I could work with…HUNTING!! So I had to come up with a super cute idea for this future little hunter…and that was it!! BAM! It came to me in the middle of the day at work! Yep, I had the cutest saying for the announcement. I shot her the idea, and she loved it to! So, we had our announcement idea, date, and we knew what we were going to do!! Yay! Love when those ideas come together so easily. Our session day came and we were all more than excited to get this session done, so I could hurry home to edit, because they were more than anxious to announce. It turned out PERFECT!! I had a blast with these two and I only hope I am lucky enough to meet and work with Baby K!!


“Bow or Bows……..Buck or Doe….Our little hunter will be here…In October of this year!! ”







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Bristol Bay 1 Year Cake Smash

When Bristol was 3 months old, Paige asked me to do some shots of her for her 3 month pictures. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t over the moon excited to get to work with such a beauty:) Every since then this girl has stolen my heart!! Growing up close with the family, I couldn’t be more honored to get the chance to get to be such a big part of her first year, and let me tell you, these sessions should be recorded. Let me explain….picture the studio full of girls, lets just call it Bristol’s fan club, and they are dancing and singing, and not your average ABC, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star songs. These girls are rocking’ out to Timber by Ke$ha…oh yeah, you have a mental picture now, right? Yep, and once they start singing Bristol forgets what is going on and she is bouncing and dancing just like these older girls. It is absolutely hilarious. I swear one day I will get them to come work for me as my entertainment to make all the kiddos smile. Although, Bristol knows how weird these girls are, other kids may just not understand. LOL!! The Isaak’s have made every session enjoyable, and I absolutely love to work with them!! Everytime I get a text from Paige, I know tons of fun will be had!! I can only hope I am lucky enough to get to follow Bristol through her years to come, and get the opportunity to tell her about when her Mommy, Crazy Kimmie, and some of her favorite “Aunties” Kayla, Maddie, and Hannah came to perform for her!! If anyone is interested they are out for hire:)

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