Bailey Family

Adorable Adorable Adorable basically sums up this session!! Between little Miss Peyton and Olivia, well and Tyler too I just couldn’t stand how cute this family was. I was obsessed with the girls! Smiles or no smiles, they are GORGEOUS!! I loved them. Then there were all the Pauls. There was Grandpa Paul, then then other Paul, and the other Paul. Yeah, it got a little confusing at times. Large groups can sometimes be super crazy and very difficult but not with the Bailey Family. They were awesome. They helped us carry and load our props and they were pros at posing and getting shots quickly! We swopped babies and bows, chased baby shoes, I took out a studio light, we laughed, and had a complete blast. The guys were awesome and super cooperative and the women of the family were just absolutely gorgeous and so well put together! Tyler did great being the perfect big brother. You can tell he loves his sisters! I only hope they all had as much fun as I did!!




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