Brianna Senior 2014

When Pam, Brianna’s mom contacted me, she warned me that Brianna wasn’t exactly excited about pictures. Not typical of Senior girls but I figured maybe there was a reason. Maybe she was uncomfortable with her body image? Maybe she didn’t like her hair? Maybe she didn’t have a good smile? All of these things are going through my head. So on Saturday I prepared myself to have a difficult time getting smiles or any type of cooperation out of Brianna. Boy, was I about to be surprised. She walked in and I was shocked. She was a GORGEOUS, bubbly, absolutely just adorable girl! She had gorgeous brown hair, the cutest smile, and such pretty eyes! I knew at this moment that this session was going to go better than I had ever expected! We immediately started shooting and this girl rocked it! She smiled, she laughed, she posed perfectly, and she gave me her best. I swore this couldn’t be the same girl. There was no way this girl wouldn’t want to be in front of the camera all the time, because I know if I looked anything like her I would be taking SELFIES all day!! All that aside I have to say it was an awesome session. I couldn’t ask for a better Senior girl to photograph. She was a total trooper and her mom Pam had super cute ideas and was so sweet. The Westfall’s felt more like old friends than complete strangers that I had just met!! I can’t tell you how excited I am that I got the opportunity to meet Brianna and be able to share a little glimpse into their lives. I am counting down the days until our Part 2 session! I’m always super pumped when a session includes cowboy boots, a super cute sundress, and an amazing sunset (we hope).




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