Senior Reps 2014





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The first year doing Senior Reps was a little nerve-racking. I wasn’t exactly sure how it was going to work, and if the Seniors I chose would be cooperative and want to work with me the way I wanted to do it. I should have known better than to worry when I picked The Paulsmeyer Twins!!! Brie and Brooke are Seniors at Carlyle High School and while they are twins, they are two totally different people. They look different, they act different, they dress different, and they have totally different opinions. They are both great girls and super fun to work with!! Brie is the wild, crazy, will say anything that comes to her mind kind of girl!! She is a hoot!! She loves horses and is definitely up for just about anything!! Brooke on the hand is more quiet, she’s super sweet, and a little bit more laid back. She just goes with the flow!! We did two different sessions and we laughed the entire time through both! I couldn’t have asked for 2 better girls to start off my Senior Representative program with and I can only hope I get just as lucky with my next reps as I did with these two!! Thanks girls!!

